

September 14

What is your postcode?

TN22 5DL

Name of organisation (if any) you are associated with?


Is that organisation a CIC?


If you have a website, what is your web address?

https://Plum Cottage, 17 New Town

Are you interested in representing a CIC at the CIC Association AGM?


Are you interested in working in partnership with the CIC Association?


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  • No, the PSC register is separate, so you have to include every PSC, even if they are also a director or member.
  • It depends on what your CIC is going to do. If you want to be a democratic community company, you could open membership far and wide, but if you want all decisions to be made by the three directors only, then you're best restricting membership to the directors only. Your credibility largely comes from what the CIC does and how it operates, rather than how many members it has.

  • Hi Alex, in reply to your question, I would make all 3 directors subscribers also.
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