What is your postcode?
EH49 7EQ
What is your postcode?
EH49 7EQ
Name of organisation (if any) you are associated with?
Nordic Enterprise Trust
Is that organisation a CIC?
Are you interested in representing a CIC at the CIC Association AGM?
Are you interested in working in partnership with the CIC Association?
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Hi Chris
Would be great if you can make it, would welcome talking more about your work and discussing some wider issues with you. There'll be a fair splash of talent in the room so the debate should be lively and id welcome your input.
Hope to see you there
Welcome Chris
Hope you like what we're doing and look forward to your input. I agree there is difficulty in obtaining finance, but mostly thats the challenge for any type of organisation.
A lack of awareness and understanding, and specific CIC financial infrastructure adds to this, but these are being overcome and the demand for innovation due to funding cuts is seeing this work accelerate. Not quickly enough in my opinion, but we're a small cog in a big machine so to some extent events elsewhere are driving the agenda.
Feel free to post questions or opinions, if you have anyspecific arguments around finance i'll make sure to respond.
best regards