

July 31

What is your postcode?


Name of organisation (if any) you are associated with?

Saltash gateway CIC

Is that organisation a CIC?


If you have a website, what is your web address?


Are you interested in representing a CIC at the CIC Association AGM?


Are you interested in working in partnership with the CIC Association?


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  • Hi Les

    Mine are free to use (or to take an extract from), but with the others I think you might want to check with them that their ok to use if you want to take an extract. In general I think you should be fine, if you double click on the video on the site you'll go through to the YouTube Accounts that each are held on, and you can email them if you want to take extracts.
    Generally people are happy for you to use as its spreading the message, I just took the embed code from their YouTube accounts. Most of the CIC videos have been uploaded by the CICs themselves, again Id imagine they would be happy for you to use.
    best regards
  • Hi Leslie
    Great to have you on board, I hope you like what we're doing and look forward your input. Feel free to post if you have any questions, there's quite a helpful bunch amongst the members.
    best regards
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