

July 21

What is your postcode?


Name of organisation (if any) you are associated with?

Stranger Danger Auguste

Is that organisation a CIC?

Don't Know

If you have a website, what is your web address?


Are you interested in representing a CIC at the CIC Association AGM?


Are you interested in working in partnership with the CIC Association?


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  • Welcome Lorraine

    Best place to start is here: http://www.cicassociation.org.uk/about/what-is-a-cic and also read the links at the bottom of the page.

    CICs have a status that is different to charity, and there are different reasons for being either so make sure you get plenty of info from a range of sources. We have a group called 'setting up a CIC' which is a good place to ask questions once you have had a look through the above, and there are plenty of existing discussions that should tell you more about what CIC is.

    best regards


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