
What is your postcode?

RG40 4RY

Name of organisation (if any) you are associated with?

Mind Our Minds

Is that organisation a CIC?


Are you interested in representing a CIC at the CIC Association AGM?


Are you interested in working in partnership with the CIC Association?


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  • Hi Jade, its sad to hear your reasons for starting your enterprise, you are taking action to help others which I cannot praise you enough and i wish you all the best in your endeavours. My brother was diagnosed with schizophrenia when we we're in our teens (early 40's now) and i have recently realised my behaviour is actually signs of depression so kind of know a bit about mental illness and the effects therein. Like yourself this has propelled me to act as the problems are so wide spread and social stigmas/norms are so rife there's a huge need for change especially regarding mens mental health. My best mate and I are launching an online platform called LadsTalk where men can anonymously offload and receive support from other men facing or who have faced similar situations. We are also providing articles, information as well as gateways to charities and professional services so when people are ready they have a quick and easy route for professional support. We are launching a beta site very soon and looking for liked minded souls to partner with so if you think this is something you think we could help each other with please get in touch for a chat 07557773155 or lee@ladstalk.com love to hear from you. Lee

  • Hi there... interested to hear your motivations for setting up Mind our Minds 

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