

July 22

What is your postcode?

L30 2QZ

Name of organisation (if any) you are associated with?

Tri-For Head Shed

Is that organisation a CIC?


If you have a website, what is your web address?

https://98 St Christopher's Avenue

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  • Hi Paul

    Happy to have a chat,please feel free to call me on 07483 211468 or contact me direct at john@cicassociation.org.uk to arrange a chat.

    Like what your planning, happy to provide a steer

    Best of luck


  • Hi Paul

    CICs can have a minimum of one Director, the advice re having 3 is that many grant funders require this as an eligibility requirement, Big Lottery Awards for All for example.

    If you do have 3 Directors 1 or 2 of them can be non-exec, in essence both directors and non-directors are signing up to the same responsibilities though and in law are pretty much the same thing.

    What's important is you get a system that works for you and is simple, best of luck


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