Hi Selma, permit me to say you are very welcome to the CIC assoc. Also having you at our event would be wonderful, we will get to know who we are and what we do, great networking...Hope to see you. Please visit our website for more details.http://www.cojosaukirl.co.uk/next-big-thing.php
If CICs are dead, (what a statement!) then we're dead men walking! There are 4450 plus CICs now, from the Shetland Isles to the Scilly Isles ( There are 5000 co-operatives in the UK, which gives a little perspective), Nov 2010 was a record month with 165 new CICs, most of the NHS Pathfinders are CIC....I really could go on
The Association has over 1000 members since incorporating in Sep09, which makes us the fastest growing network in the Third Sector........far from dead Selma, very far from it. I wonder what context this statement was made?
Dont get me wrong, there is plenty to do, but in a general sense CICs are booming.
Hi Selma, permit me to say you are very welcome to the CIC assoc. Also having you at our event would be wonderful, we will get to know who we are and what we do, great networking...Hope to see you. Please visit our website for more details.http://www.cojosaukirl.co.uk/next-big-thing.php
Ha-ha! Welcome Selma
If CICs are dead, (what a statement!) then we're dead men walking! There are 4450 plus CICs now, from the Shetland Isles to the Scilly Isles ( There are 5000 co-operatives in the UK, which gives a little perspective), Nov 2010 was a record month with 165 new CICs, most of the NHS Pathfinders are CIC....I really could go on
The Association has over 1000 members since incorporating in Sep09, which makes us the fastest growing network in the Third Sector........far from dead Selma, very far from it. I wonder what context this statement was made?
Dont get me wrong, there is plenty to do, but in a general sense CICs are booming.
Best regards