

April 19

What is your postcode?


Name of organisation (if any) you are associated with?

Catch a Wave UK cic

Is that organisation a CIC?


If you have a website, what is your web address?


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  • well done Anne!

    let me know if any press comes out and i'll post it in CICs in the News...... congratulations!

  • We're shortlisted in the top 3 Business Section of The Flybe/Cornwall Travel Bursary Award!!

    Please vote for us:

    You can Text: WMN FLYBE 1009 and your name and Postcode to 65100

    You can Call: 0901 010 0419 and register your vote

    (Voting closes Mar 19th 11.59pm)


    Thankyou!! :)


    Best wishes


    Anne Harrington FRSA

  • Welcome Anne,
    hope you like what we're trying to do, feel free to post if you have any questions/want to voice an opinion, I look forward to your involvement. Personally I really like what your doing, I'll certainly be trying to engineer a reason to visit!
    Best regards
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