

November 14

What is your postcode?

OL16 1RH

Name of organisation (if any) you are associated with?

Littleborough Marina CIC

Is that organisation a CIC?


If you have a website, what is your web address?


Are you interested in representing a CIC at the CIC Association AGM?


Are you interested in working in partnership with the CIC Association?


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  • I am pleased to support the CIC Association. Like many organisations at present Littleborough Marina CIC is struggling to find funding. There is strenght in being part of a larger Association
  • Welcome to the CIC Association!

    Thanks for joining, we hope to develop nto a practical resource for all CICs.

    We’ll be sending out an update on our plans shortly and I very much look forward to your input.

    Best regards

    John Mulkerrin
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